When inspecting the bottom of a typical office chair, you may notice that it has five casters. Nearly all “rolling” office chairs have five casters. They have a central stem that extends downward from the bottom of the seat. At the bottom, the stem branches out into five legs, each of which features a caster. Why do so many office chairs use this five-caster design exactly?
Office chairs with five casters are more mobile than those with fewer casters. Each caster is a separate wheel. There are plate casters, and there are stem casters. Plate casters contain a flat plate at the top, whereas stem casters contain a rod-shaped stem at the top. Regardless, they all have a wheel. Office chairs with five casters are easy to roll because they feature five individual wheels.
You can quickly move from one area to another with five casters. Office chairs with five casters offer excellent mobility. You can easily roll them on any flat flooring. The same can’t be said for those with fewer casters, many of which are difficult to roll.
With five casters, office chairs are incredibly stable. You can recline back without fear of falling over. The use of five casters makes office chairs stable so that they don’t tip over. Office chairs with fewer casters, on the other hand, are less stable. They have a higher center of gravity, making them more likely to tip over.
Weight Distribution
A lesser-known benefit of using five casters is weight distribution. Office chairs with five casters will distribute your body weight more evenly across the floor than those with fewer casters.
Because they offer better weight distribution, office chairs with five casters are less likely to damage the floors on which they are rolled. Hardwood and laminate floors, for instance, may sustain damage when exposed to office chairs with fewer casters.
When rolling an office chair across hardwood or laminate floors, you may discover permanent marks left behind by the casters. Damage is less likely to occur with five casters because they will distribute your body weight more evenly across the floors.
While it offers an attractive design, there are other reasons why office chairs have five casters. It improves their mobility, stability and allows for better weight distribution. There are dozens of different types of office chairs, but nearly all of them have five casters.